Life can feel pretty overwhelming some {most} days. It is a juggling act between running a successful business and being a successful mom. I've come to realize there are things that help reduce the chaos and things that add to the chaos.
And so I'm working hard to simplify my life. Cleaning house on my life so to speak - getting rid of clutter, self-deprecating thoughts, emotionally draining people and adding order where I can.
One way that I've started to succeed is becoming dependent on lists. Lists for what to buy at the store, lists for where I want to go in my business and lists that tell me what I have to do today. So when I picked up Angel Tuccy's book "Lists That Saved My Life" I was in love!
These lists didn't really save her life but what she speaks to is the balance that they offer. Despite the awesome hot pink cape I put on every morning I always seem to come up short by the end of the night to fulfill my super mom status.
And what Angel recognizes is that life as a mom is busy, its crazy, its hectic, its overwhelming and all most of us want is a little balance between the 500 million things pulling us that many different directions.
So Angel says get it on paper people, don't try to remember everything on your own, set up a system and make it work for you!
And while you're at it, pick up this book, it is awesome, its an easy read and it will provide insight. Angel's humor will keep you laughing and dead-on suggestions may just give you an extra couple minutes for *gasp* yourself a day.
Thank you for the review! I'm honored to know that writing things down has helped bring some peace into a hectic life. Pursue Your Dreams! xoxo - Angel