I'll admit it. I'm feeling overwhelmed. I have three wonderful children that require and deserve more than I feel I can give them and I have my own business that only thrives when I give it my all.
I love both. I truly do. In two completely different ways. But lately work has left me drained, with not a lot for my children. It makes me sad. This is not the person I want to be. This is not the mom I want to be.
And these feelings are riddled with guilt. Guilt about what I wish I could give my children. Guild about what I'm not doing for my business. Guilt that I'm feeling guilty about both.
Its a slippery slope my friends. This guilt is full of other emotions - sadness, jealousy, anger, disapproval, self-doubt...
And it is also full of what ifs "what if my husband got a better job" or "what if we moved" or "what if I started setting my alarm for 4 a.m. so I could work for 3 solid house before the kids got up..."
Or what if I accepted that there is no perfect parent, that we're all doing the best we can and at the end of the day that isn't so bad.
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