Shocking, I know. But somehow in the grand scheme of things God never said "let there be light and hey, here's an easy button for those tough days" It must have slipped His mind.
Today was one of "those days" you know the daughter doesn't want to dance at dance class, son has an upset can't-be-more-than-5-feet-from-the-bathroom tummy, other son feels especially ignored and subsequently cries at all the injustices he has been dealt today kind of day. And when I'm pretty sure I'm at the end of my rope
I have to make a phone call I don't want to make.
And its not because I have to deliver bad news or discuss something uncomfortable it is because I know this person uses words to express their less than stellar view of me.
Perhaps you know this person? They don't come out and just say, "hey, I don't like you" but instead like a magician and their slight of hand they use their slight of word to let you know just where you fall in their opinion of you. And maybe I would think I'm taking the conversation the wrong way except every.single.conversation contains these below the belt hits.
And today was no exception, I picked up the phone already feeling exhausted from the day, I hung up the phone feeling slighted and low.
I think I'm going to go press my easy button now, assuming that wasn't my daughter just flushing it down the toilet...
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