Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Little Cupcake Pop - A Product Review

So in my random internet surfing I cam across this cute little product called "My Little Cupcake Pop"  Now I love the concept of cupcake pops, I first saw them over at Bakerella however while her's are adorable and fun, mine were a huge disaster!  I believe that Martha Stewart  also does them but her's were even harder looking than Bakerella's! So I had long since abandoned my desire to make them.

That is until I found My Little Cupcake Pops!  In pure genius fashion she not only devised a no-bake (2-ingredient!) recipe for the pops but she also made a little mold to make them for you!  And for $5.95 I ordered one right up!

So after ordering my mold I watched the video on her website as I waited - her kids show you how to use it - okay friends, if her kids can do it so can I!

So I was super stoked when very fast shipping brought my little cupcake pop mold.  It just so happened that my little goddaughter's first birthday was later that week so I decide to make her a batch for her birthday.

Let me tell you - they are super easy to make and they make a really great impression!  I am going to make them later this month for my daughter's birthday and the two things I will do differently is actually place the molded cupcakes in to the freezer instead of the refrigerator so they're nice and cold and I will think my melted candy dips like they suggest on their website.

And when I make my daughter's I promise to actually take pictures!  Mommy fail!

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