Monday, January 24, 2011


We got a letter on Saturday that our middle son had been accepted in to the same school that our oldest goes to.  Which is awesome.  Except that I'm planning on homeschooling our middle son for kindergarten

(and beyond?  one year at a time... one year at a time...) 

But that letter created anxiety.  Because if we don't register him this week we lose his spot.  Gone.  They'll give it to someone else.  There is a waitlist.  There is someone waiting for his spot.  

And while I'm okay with that there's that anxiety in the back of my mind questioning if we're doing the right thing?  But everytime I question I hear God's reassuring voice that yes, this is what I want for him.  Keep him home.  Teach him.  Show him My word.  Love him.  Just love him. 

And I know it is not going to be easy.  Hello!  I have a daughter that will be home with us the entire time.  There's a good chance my husband will be gone at least part of the time. 

And so we're going to take it one day at a time, one year at a time, but I hope it is the start of something bigger for us.  Something awesome.  

1 comment:

  1. She blogs! Hello Ule!

    I have to say that this letter is one of those little things that come to you when you have made a choice that forces you to think about why you have made your choice, so you can stand firm and tall in your choice.

    You're doing the right thing, Middle Son will forever thrive as a result of you homeschooling him - for however long that lasts.
