Friday, February 11, 2011

What I Need

Motherhood is the greatest adventure I have ever been on.  It truly gives me endless joy to watch these little people become who they are.  I feel so blessed to have a hand in how they getting to adulthood. 

And motherhood requires a certain degree of monotony, your days don't change that much, every day your child needs to eat, every day they need to play, every day they have to go potty and so unlike typical jobs where you have a project and complete you may instead feel like you are stuck in the movie groundhog dog, never really accomplishing a "goal".

But I choose to look at the day in and day out as my act of service to my children.  When I change my daughter's diaper with a cheerful heart and a good attitude I am serving her.  I am showing her to work with a joyful heart.  When I cook for my children instead of making instant meals I am nourishing them.  I am their Mother, it is what I do.

But to serve my children with a joyful heart I have to care for myself too otherwise I end up on empty and we all pay.  This year has not been as nourishing as I had hoped.  Illness, weather, and other circumstances have prevented date nights and girls night out, MOPS has been canceled due to weather, illness has prevent playdates. 

And the enemy has been attacking - email after email attacking my decisions, treating me like I'm dumb, and blaming me for things beyond my control.  Emails canceling things I was looking forward to.  

And friends, I am on empty.  My tank has nothing else in it.  I'm snapping at my children when I shouldn't be, I'm feeling run down, low.  Not myself. 

And that's just not me. 

So what do I need?  A date night out with my husband.  A girlfriend to call and say lets get together, watch the first season of Sex and the City or Friends (watched the movie, now I'm hooked) and drink wine and laugh.  Tea while the kids play.  I need something to refuel me. 

I'm sure we all get there from time to time, when we need a pick me up.  How do you pick up friend?  How do you pick up a friend when you see they're in need?

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