I didn't. At least not in the traditional sense of making resolutions.
Instead I made a list of 31 one things I want to accomplish before I turn 32 in December of 2011.
I included fun things like get a new tattoo and re-pierce my nose.
I included things like taking the kids to serve in a homeless shelter, developing a closer relationship with God, and to give quality as gifts this year (i.e. wooden blocks that encourage play instead of a plastic toy that will break tomorrow)
Homeschooling my middle child landed on there as did taking a cake decorating class and weaning my toddler!

So when my friend said to put going to Paris with her in September I thought she was nuts! How could I afford it? Simple she said, we have a mutual friend living there, we can stay with her and significantly cut our costs. Oh. My husband said go, its always been your dream and I don't want to go there. Huh. Everyone I talked to said GO
And isn't this what it is about? Stretching myself? Trying something new? Something I've always wanted to do?
So #10 on my list is go to Paris. #17 is get a passport.
Hello 2011, how you doin?
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