So Christmas is in two days and I am thrilled, I love Christmas, I love the season. And I love that I'm feeling completely relaxed and at ease with everything. Presents are wrapped, meals are planned, we could do nothing for the next two days and everything would be okay. We won't. But we could.
This morning we had to run to the local Kroger, we were out of sugar. Buddy our elf used the last of it for making snow angels last night. Which is fine. But you cannot make cookies for Santa without sugar. So off to the store we went.
We just needed sugar, no other pressures or expectations. Of course I picked up other random things like juice and some frozen pizzas for lunch per the request of my smalls.
So as we wandered the aisles in no particular hurry or rush I was struck that we were not the norm. Parents were yelling at their children. People were cutting other people off to get to the stuff they needed. Pleasantries were dead.
So in this time of craziness as you worry about Christmas dinner or that last present or whatever else may drive you drink my wish for you is time to enjoy the true meaning of the Christmas season. God bless you and your family now and throughout the year.
When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh ~ Matthew 2:10-11
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