Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Make a Difference Mon... Tuesday?

Anyone who listens to K-Love knows they do Make A Difference Monday where they encourage you to do something to make a difference in the life of someone else - it can be something big, it can be something small, just do something. 

So a few weeks ago a single mom posted how she is out of work but that her son is really in to trains and how she'd like to get him a train set for Christmas.  I didn't really think anything of it.  Easy to just look away right?  But then a week or two later it hit me, duh, we have a Geotrax set in our basement, collecting dust.  My kids haven't played with it in months (years?) but it still works great.  I've thought about selling it but haven't.  And by then I couldn't find that email, maybe I didn't try hard enough (sorry Lord, that's my fault) but it was on my heart and I didn't find it - ugh!

She just posted again (thank you Lord!) so we've been emailing and she's super excited to give this set to her son for Christmas!  And I'm super excited to give it to her! 

So today I challenge, encourage, suggest, implore of you to try to do something, anything, to make a difference in the life of someone.  Call an old friend, your grandma, pay for someone's starbucks, say you're sorry, give money to a favorite charity, invite your ex-mother-in-law to your child's play, read a book or two with your child, anything.  Make a difference and see what a difference it makes in your life. 

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