Day 2
Today I am thankful for brothers.
Crossing the street today my hands were full with groceries and J. The boys took each other's hand to cross the road without having to be told, without complaining, they just did it. I am blessed that my kids have such a good relationship.
Day 3
Today I am thankful for my dog, for as much as he drives me up the wall with his bad habits and his general mischievousness, he truly is a good dog. He's funny and spunky. But most of all he loves each kid to pieces, he is amazing with them and super loyal to each of them. If they are having a bad day, are sick or just need some general love he is there. And if they chase him around, pull his tail and generally annoy him, he is still there.
Day 4
Today I am thankful friends. I am thankful for old friends, I am thankful for new friends. I am thankful for friends that I see all the time and friends that I never get to see.

But what makes each and every one of you amazing and such a blessing in my life is that at your core is a phenomenal women, with a loving, supportive, awesome heart. At your core is someone I strive to be.
I love you guys, thanks for loving on me.
Day 5
Today I am thankful humor. Humor gets me through most situations, anyone who knows me knows I love to poke fun at things. It is just who I am. But I especially love that which shouldn't be funny yet is (Headlines anyone?)
Today John was sexing the mic, they're getting a little frisky and we needed to separate the genders. (for anyone who doesn't know we are on our third litter, littler 2 and 3 are from sister from the first litter and only 3 days apart in age, we currently have 13 babies) We looked last week but didn't separate because they were still nursing. Well the boys are naughty and feisty and one bit John. To which John instinctively flipped his hand and shot this poor little mouse in to the pantry. T caught the baby no problem and he was fine.
So today John brings out the babies to officially sex them and J tells him in her 2 year old wisdom, "Don't drop baby mice over there (pointing at the pantry) k dad?"
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