Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Motions (part 2 of 2)

I don't want to spend my whole life asking
What if I had given everything
Instead of going through the motions?

Recently I was contacted by a woman at MOPS wanting to know if one of my comments on their facebook page could be used in an upcoming article.  Sure!  She then followed up though with another question, what was the greatest issue I was currently facing as a Mom?  hmmm.... here's what I said: Current mothering issue: Patience - not letting the frustrations of other things in my life (i.e. running my own business) get taken out on them. Trying to make sure the get the best me, not just what's left over.

I totally didn't write that.  God wrote that through me.  I read what I had written and went whoa.  Not just what's left over...  Ouch.

So that has been rolling around in my brain, hitting some old issues, finding some new, touching a couple of nerves.  And I feel God leading me to teaching my children, to homeschooling my children.  Uhhhhh, okay.  My oldest is happy where he is and goes to a really great school, we are really blessed.  But I look at my younger two and think they could really benefit from more. 

So I got to thinking about it.  For two hours a day we can turn off the tv and the video games and the cell phones and the computers.  And we can be together and work on some things and have some fun and learn together.  And the more I think about it the less scary and hard it seems.  There are great resources out there, one I have been happily stalking is Confessions of a Homeschooler.  We have a great library where I can pick up books weekly to relate to the letter we are studying.  We can work on memory verses!  And we can even plan field trips and activities around what we are working on at home.  With an hour or two of planning a week we can do this!  I can do this.  An hour or two a week and lots of prayer that is.  Because I'm not doing this for me and I'm not doing this for my children, I'm doing this for the glory of God, by the grace of God.

So get ready for me to blog about my adventures and probably mis-adventures doing this.  And if God is calling you to do more than just the motions, listen to Him, hear what he wants, there is goodness in his glory and he will never bring you to something without bringing you through it.   

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