Monday, August 23, 2010

Facebook Isn't Real Life

I like facebook, I truly do.  It is a great social networking tool.  It is a place where I can reconnect with old friends, make new ones, post about my day, see what you're doing today, share pictures, request recommendations for piano teachers or good books to read.  It is a place where friends asks for prayer and vent about the guy who cut them off on the freeway.

 Just this week I saw what outfit my friend's daughter picked to wear to her first day of middle school, got inspired to try a bento box for my son's lunches, got photography inspiration, learned about the little boy my friends are trying to adopt and shared a good laugh over numerous quirky children-isms.

But here's the thing.  Facebook does not replace day-to-day interactions, it is not as good as hug, is does not replace lunch with the girls, it cannot be that hand to hold during the scary times, facebook cannot replace relationships.  Facebook is not real life.

So before you post something about how much your employees suck or the narrow-brained thing your husband did take a deep breath, or five.  And ask yourself, are you replacing real life with a facebook post?  Are your employees your friends?  Is your spouse your friend?  Are your children your friend?  Would you say what you just posted to their face if they were standing in front of you?

Because friend, facebook is not real life.

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